What happened to country?

I apologize before hand, bout to go on a rant. What happened to country? These fucking crap singers nowadays make me sick. The music all sounds the same, more of the”oh im a good southern boy that go’s to church and shit” its boring. what happened to steve earle, black tar heroin, running moonshine down copperhead road and killing feds while his at it(see link). Or george jones, who i happen to be listening to while im getn drunk. The man was a rapid alchoholic who had so many wives and illegitimit kids hes still gota tour to pay the child support. Those old school guys had character, not good character but interesting ones. That man sang with heart and soul and meant every word of it. Not like most of these goddam singers these days. Its all fake fucking shit, im not saying you have to be an alchoholic or a druggie. George strait and alan jackson are for the most part clean guys. But they sang about what they knew and they did it with heart and they had COUNTRY instruments, fiddle, steel guitar,stand up bass(johnny cash). Not like the momo’s nowadays, i was listening to a song the other day that i thought was surely on a alt rock station, nope! it was on a country station. Cant even tell the difference now. I saw marty stuart in concert last night, definitely one of the most underrated musicians. I love that guy, he preaches country. Play actual country, dont give in to the nashville fuck heads and the money. I encourage all the younger people who like country to listen to the actual country guys, mid 90’s and before. To all the people that dont like country i say that your just listening to the wrong kind, gaurantee you listen to a song that doesnt suck you would like the sound. I shall end on george jones “wrongs what i do best”.

Sincerly: Mississippi Dunne


~ by greenstreet1 on March 14, 2010.

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